Traffic signals are lights usually found at intersections that regulate what you can and cannot do on the roadway they are crucial in maintaining an orderly flow of traffic, the traffic light is colored red-yellow, and green it is important to know what to do when each color appears to stay safe on the road

Traffic Signals Red Light

Traffic Signals Red LightWhen there is a solid red light you must stop and remain stopped unit the light turns green when you stop at a red light aim to stop before the stop line or limit line which is a pavement marking on the road an exception to remaining stopped at a red light is when performing a right turn some states allow left turns on red when it is on to a one-way road before turning right on red. I make sure that the turn is legal by making sure that there are no signs prohibiting the turn then I check for pedestrians and traffic in the intersection if the intersection is clear I may turn but only if I have made a complete stop first for a flashing red light come to a complete stop behind the stop line just like you did it at the solid red light.



Traffic Signals Yellow Light

Traffic Signals Yellow LightA solid yellow light indicates that the light will soon turn red you should attempt to make a stop for yellow light is possible when approaching an intersection with a yellow light check to see if you have enough space in front of you to stop and check your rear-view mirror to make sure that the vehicle behind you has enough space to stop as well if there is not enough space you can proceed through light with caution be carefully you can get a ticket for going through a yellow light, timing is everything the light could turn red while you are in the intersection making you susceptible to the ticket.

Flashing Yellow

Flashing yellow light alert drivers that a busy intersection is ahead at these flashing yellow lights you must slow down and proceed with caution scan the area surrounding the intersection as you approach it take your foot off the accelerator as you enter the inner section and then regain your speed when you are sure that the way is clear.

Traffic Signals Green Light

When there is a solid green light this means I have the right-of-way I may proceed with caution but I must yield to emergency vehicles and other road users as required by law. I could turn left at a solid green light but I must yield to pedestrians and oncoming traffic before turning someone may decide to ignore their red light or stop sign so as an all-star driver I always look both ways while approaching an intersection.


Green Arrow Light

A green arrow light indicates a protected turn and that cross traffic has a red light therefore you should be able to safely cross the intersection in the direction the arrow is pointing. Follow the same rules as you would a solid green light looking both ways before crossing the intersection.

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